A New Chapter

It's been seven weeks since my last day as curator of the Elizabeth Lawrence House & Garden. Even though it was my choice to resign my position--one I never thought I would leave--I find it difficult to even type out the name "Elizabeth Lawrence". *wince* There's a tinge of deep pain mixed with sorrow, wrapped with a gauze of guilt in a fog of grief. I chose to safeguard my mental health and professional integrity over continuing to steward the legacy of one of the most significant contributors to American garden literature and horticulture. The thing is, I loved my charge. That word is thrown around so flippantly that it's nearly a throw-away. I don't mean it in that sense; I mean it in one of the deepest senses I've known. The depth of the passion I had for Libba's legacy was unprecedented for me, professionally speaking. (I can't call her "Elizabeth". Those close to her called her "Libba". After 13 years, four...