A Scent Really Can Take You Back

I had an unexpected emotional setback today. It wasn't anything horrific or horrible, or anything else that starts with h-o-r-r. It was just... well, unexpected. And from a fragrance , of all things. It's no secret to those who know me well that winter in the garden is my favorite time. This was especially true when I was in charge of Elizabeth ("Libba") Lawrence's garden, as she literally wrote the book on Gardens in Winter (Claitor's, 1977), and her living legacy showcased some magical hibernal botanical treasures. Actually, I never really thought about gardens in winter prior to curating Libba's garden. Before I read her book, I never knew there were bulbs or perennials or shrubs (other than Forsythia ) that reliably bloom in December, January, or February. One of the most frequently asked questions I received from visitors was, "When is the BEST time to come see the garden?" To which I always enthusiastically r...